
I have given birth to monstrosities

to atrocities filled with insurmountable deformities,

who died horrible, merited deaths as they never

deserved to be born.

I have birthed many rapturous angels who went straight to heaven

too beautiful for this world,

too innocent to survive.

I have killed hundreds, no thousands of my babies,

not because I’m a murderer, but because

they needed to be stronger

I have been re-incarnated after every disappointment

I pushed myself beyond the sluggishness of grief

and dusted off the ashes after the inquisitions

burnt me at the stake.

I’m a tired old ageless phoenix.

I thrive despite it all,

I reinvent myself

endless times over, revive my fading spirit

because my soul comes from a tough line,

from those who outlived their conquerors

from those who have lived despite the misery

created happiness from empty nothing

I stand upon the stepping stones

my ancestors have left behind for me

I never lose my way and keep moving

along with my self designated path

I thrive on spiting life.

Forget your heritage

It is destiny to forget our heritage

life makes us grow in other directions

like a shattered tongue

ancestors are our Babel

we crumble apart

away from our origins.


Knowledge of where we come from

reveals our origons and helps

to define who we are

but then life takes us beyond our roots.


Pathways through life are random

work, family, friends and our hearts

determine the moments beyond ourselves.


We grow our own branches

beyond the family tree.


Part of who we are is formed by our ancestors

the murmur of their struggles

are a piece of our own voice

we are a part of them

and they are embodied in us,

a continuous spiral of milestones

twirling on through and beyond us.


Even if we forget

their stories are our stories

their faces are in the mirror

each hand holding onto the next

reaching up to now

raising us up and

pushing us forward.